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Law & Accountancy Firm Sales

We maintain a list of firms for sale, which can be viewed here. The list is updated daily so worth checking back to see any recent additions. We receive new instructions on a weekly basis. All discussions with potential sellers are completely confidential.

To register your business for sale please click here, or for a confidential discussion please click here to contact us.

Law & Accountancy Firm Acquisition Advice

We provide advice to potential buyers in relation to sourcing finance, proceeding with a purchase, structuring an offer, negotiating a deal, handling due diligence and communicating with the sellers. We also send out regular email updates of any new businesses for sale to registered buyers.

To register as a buyer please click here.

Valuations and Exit Strategy Advice

We provide formal valuations of law firms & accountancy practices of all shapes and sizes for a wide range of reasons including practice acquisition, sale of business, appointment of new partners, structural changes (eg converting to ABS or limited company), branch office disposal, death of a partner, disputes.

For valuation services click here. For exit strategy advice click here.

Legal Recruitment

For details of our recruitment services for law firms and in house legal departments please click here.

Accountancy Recruitment

For details of our recruitment services for accountancy firms and industry please click here.

General FAQ's

What does a business broker do? Why is there a surge in buyers looking to acquire law firms in September and October each year? Why are there so few accountancy firms for sale on your website? Do you provide accountancy practice valuations? Are business brokers regulated? What underhand tactics do business brokers use? How secure is our data? Do you offer due diligence services?