Law Firms For Sale Update 24th January 2023

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Law Firms For Sale Update 24th January 2023

Click here for our regularly updated list of firms for sale. New Listings 100316 – MERGER SOUGHT Central/West London SRA regulated partnership looking for a merger. 3 equity partners, 10 fee earner solicitors’ firm with a £2.5 million turnover. Mix of work is 40-50% property, 15% family law, 15% wills & probate and 20% corporate, […]


New Law Firms for Sale 13th December 2022

Click here for our regularly updated list of firms for sale. 100314 London Solicitors’ Firm London solicitors’ firm (SRA regulated partnership) looking for a sale or merger. c£850k turnover. Team of staff for TUPE including solicitors and support staff. Local and nationally based clients, mix of work is 41% wills & probate, 6% crime, 29% […]


New Law Firms for Sale – update 7th March 2022

Click here for our regularly updated list of firms for sale. Law firm valuations available – standard and enhanced reports – click here for details. Obtain valuation/deal structure advice before making an offer and increase your chances of success. Recently Added Firms Ref 100287 London £700k Solicitors Firm London solicitors’ firm (SRA regulated partnership) looking […]


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What does a business broker do? Why is there a surge in buyers looking to acquire law firms in September and October each year? Why are there so few accountancy firms for sale on your website? Do you provide accountancy practice valuations? Are business brokers regulated? What underhand tactics do business brokers use? How secure is our data? Do you offer due diligence services?